Ultimate Love Affair Media Page

The Ultimate Love Affair:
Awaken To God's Love in Just 40 Days

This groundbreaking 40-day study is like no Christian book you’ve ever read before. Dealing with the topics of premarital sex, church rejection, addiction, affairs, homosexuality, sickness and more, these taboo topics are no longer off limits in the Christian community. Over the course of this affair you’ll have the chance to reinvent your idea of who God is and experience the depth of His love for you.

In her humorous and candid way, April lays it all out on the table, from her own personal experience, in the hopes that the truth will set you free. She encourages you to read the daily devotion, recite the prayer and meditate on the scriptures she provides to help you readjust your God lense.

April knows without a doubt that God loves and accepts you just the way you are and she is on a mission to gather together the army of disillusioned church-goers of decades past and restore them into a right relationship with God who has been loving them all through the pain of life, even when they didn’t know it.

God is calling you to help. Be a part of this mission to help those who are lost find their way back home. Let’s get busy spreading His love, putting on the armor of God and using a dose of common sense too. When in doubt, choose love. Because love always wins!

All media files below are downloadable and you can copy/paste what you need. We look forward to connecting with you!

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